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Tips to Help You Stop Smoking


Smoking is an addictive habit that isn't easy to let go of after years on tobacco. Containing the drug 'nicotine', cigarettes were made for audiences that felt the need to light up when tense and pressurized situations came into focus. With its calming, addictive and relaxing effects on the body, it's no surprise that even teens today casually take up the habit and turn into young smokers. Influences and other visuals that kids come across, force them to wonder and bring forth their inquisitiveness about smoking.

Even if it has nothing to do with peer pressure or troubles at home, kids start off with this habit in the light of looking at it as somehow hyped to others, who may seem impressed that he/she smokes. Other times, it is purely because someone introduced you to the habit and now you're well, hooked. If you're here seeking help on how to bid your cigarette pack farewell, then that is an indication of your strong will in wanting to destroy the habit.

Tips to Help Quit Smoking

It is no easy feat to be able to control the urge to not light up a cigarette, especially when you have friends that smoke in front of you with even public areas and their smoking zones. It is always going to pose as a temptation where you may then give in and take a drag, but relapsing into the habit again is a chance you do not want to take. So let's take a look at some tips to help you stop smoking.
Self Motivation Through Realization

Tell yourself that smoking in the long run leads to cancerous diseases and health problems that you don't want to have to deal with as you age. It can also ruin your skin, make you look older and cause permanent dermatological damage. You'll notice once you quit how your senses seem much sharper and you won't always find yourself with a runny nose or recurring coughs. By staying clear of the habit you also encourage others to quit and see the good side of not having to always reach out for a cigarette.

Distract Yourself

Whenever you feel the need to light up a smoke, pop into your mouth a lozenge or chewing gum, to distract your mind from wanting to light one up. Keep on hand munchies like nuts or a mini fruit salad, to keep eating healthy food options on hand, instead of gorging down on junk since binging is a common occurrence when off the habit.

Dine and Drink in Smokeless Areas

When eating at a restaurant or going out for drinks, opt for a place that doesn't permit smoking or has zones for non smokers. That way you won't get drawn to the smoke. Make sure you point it out to friends and family members who smoke, that you don't indulge in the habit anymore and that you'd appreciate it if they didn't do it in your presence.


Joining a yoga class or joining physical therapy sessions will help you control urges and stay centered when dealing with your addiction. Meditation has been known for many of its valued purposes, and getting enrolled for some deep meditative classes will help you find a way to combat against smoking.

Find Ways to Kill Time

Be a part of your neighborhood's committee or take up a new hobby to while away time in a productive manner. It will give you things to constantly immerse your concentration in, without entertaining your cravings. Plan out a trip or set up a lunch/dinner party every now and then to keep yourself busy when you're not working or busy studying.

These tips on how to stop smoking will find you clean, healthy and much more happy once the weeks lapse from your last day of smoking. Be sure to practice these stop smoking tips to make the most of what you can do now for your health while you can. Just remember, the sooner the better. Have a healthy tomorrow.

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