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Transformers apache: Dark of the Moon


"Transformers: Dark of the Moon" will be directed by Michael Bay, which is the last one Transformers live-action film series, and release to public show in 2D, 3D form. July 6, 2011 the film create the new history of the U.S. Independence Day weekend box office record in North America and around the world film market. I am a fans for apache, so let me introduce apache in detail.

transformer apache

Apache is a cool, composed authority figure, but he's also shown a lightly eccentric side since he began transforming into a mandrill, snarling when upset. Recently, he and the suddenly cautious Lioconvoy have locked horns over the execution of operations. His entire body is a mass of weapons, and his "Mode 3" fortress mode's fusillades are powerful indeed. He also enjoys heavy metal music. Here is a assumption: If he knew there is a type of e-cigarette named apache in the 21thcentury on the earth, he must have loved smoking apache e-cigarette.